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5 Fantastic Tips That Will Help You Feel Prepared for Plastic Surgery

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December 12, 2017

Are you preparing for an upcoming plastic surgery?

Here are five incredibly useful tips from our staff to help you feel ready. Preparing for an elective plastic surgery procedure can feel very overwhelming. Our tenured staff and physicians at the Centre for Plastic Surgery have had almost 35 years to perfect the art of taking care of our patients and preparing them for what’s to come.

Tip 1: Read the last page of the patient booklet that we send to you prior to your pre-operative appointment.

This page discusses all the ups and downs that you will experience in the weeks following your plastic surgery procedure. It’s very normal for patients to feel conflicted about their decision to undergo surgery in the month afterwards. Any surgical procedure, especially an elective one, will trigger a variety of emotions from depression to total elation. It’s important to know that despite the emotional roller-coaster, the majority of our patients are exceedingly happy with their decision to undergo plastic surgery.

Tip 2: Be kind to your tummy and stay hydrated.

Choose easy to digest foods in the days prior to your plastic surgery procedure and while you are healing. Surgical procedures of any kind require a lot of energy from your body for you to heal it. If your body is working hard on digestion, it won’t have as much energy to help you recover from your procedure. Overly processed, sugary, extra fatty, or difficult to digest foods like dairy should be avoided for at least a week leading up to surgery and during recovery. It’s best to choose foods like lean healthy proteins and easily digested cooked vegetables. Most importantly, stay hydrated both before and after your surgery. Proper hydration will help you heal faster and ward off nausea from anesthesia and pain medications.

Tip 3: Make sure to have a reliable caretaker with you following your plastic surgery procedure.

Even though most of the surgeries we preform are elective and outpatient, they are still surgeries. You will require help for at least the first 48 hours, if not longer. Patients are very groggy from anesthesia the first few days after surgery and usually need help getting to and from the bathroom, showering, and taking medications. Most surgeries will come with limitations to your physical activities for the first few weeks as well. You may require help with things like house cleaning, lifting laundry baskets, child care, etc.

Tip 4: Have a recovery plan in place that includes a comfortable location to rest.

We will send you home with a bag that has the essentials like ice packs, antibiotic ointment, and surgical garments. Your recovery spot should be close to the bathroom if possible, have lots of pillows for extra support, and a table within reach for medications and beverages. You’ll also want to wear relaxed clothing that is easy to put on and take off. Most patients do not want to bend over much in the days after surgery, so slip on shoes or slippers are a must. Have saltine crackers on hand for the first 24 hours. You might not feel very hungry, but you’ll want something light in your stomach when you take your pain medication.

Tip 5: Take your pain medications on time.

There are no super hero awards for not taking medications in the days following your plastic surgery procedure! If you become too painful, it may be very difficult to get comfortable again. The easiest way to stay on top of it is to set an alarm on your phone. Make sure that you have help from your caretaker for at least the first two days so that you don’t accidentally take too much or not enough of your medications. Documenting what medicines you’ve taken and when can be very helpful as well. That way you won’t lose track.

Choosing to undergo a plastic surgery procedure is a very exciting and scary time in your life. We hope that you take comfort in knowing that our patients are incredibly important to us. There are no bad questions or concerns. Our whole team will be here every step of the way to ensure a calm, comforting, and caring experience.