Before & After: Body

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Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 121

This patient is a 66-year-old woman (5'8'', 189 lbs) who lost 90 lbs after a Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass surgery 13 years ago. She decided to undergo a weight loss tummy tuck (Extended Abdominoplasty) in which 6 lbs of soft tissue was removed and her muscles were tightened. Post-operatively, she was very happy with her results and was maintaining her surgical weight loss.

Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 121 After
Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 121 Before
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Liposuction Patient 103

This patient is a 42 year old woman (5'6", 168 lbs) who was uncomfortable with fullness in her abdomen that she felt was resistant to diet and exercise. She elected to undergo liposuction of the abdomen and flanks. 

Liposuction Patient 103 After
Liposuction Patient 103 Before
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Mommy Makeover Patient 30

This patient is a 38 year old woman (5’4”, 150lbs) who was unhappy with a loss of breast volume and abdominal skin laxity after her pregnancies and bariatric surgery. She underwent a “Mommy-Makeover” with both complete abdominoplasty with muscle repair and bilateral breast augmentation (Mentor Smooth, Round Moderate-Plus profile MemoryGel implants placed through an inferior breast crease approach in the sub-muscular position, 425cc on the left and 400cc on the right). She went from a B cup bra size to a C cup. She was very happy with her final result. 

Mommy Makeover Patient 30 After
Mommy Makeover Patient 30 Before
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Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 129

This patient is a 37 year old woman (5'7", 160 lbs) who was unhappy with the appearance of her abdomen following her pregnancies and c-section deliveries. She elected to undergo a tummy tuck (complete abdominoplasty) in which excess skin and fat were removed, her muscle separation was repaired, and a hernia was repaired. She underwent a minor scar revision 13 months after her initial procedure. She was very happy with the final outcome.  

Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 129 After
Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 129 Before
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Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 113

This patient is a 43-year-old woman (5'3'' , 83 lbs) who was unhappy with her abdominal fullness and skin laxity after multiple pregnancies. She underwent a tummy tuck (complete abdominoplasty) with repair of muscle separation and removal of excess skin. Following this procedure, she was very pleased with her results.

Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 113 After
Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 113 Before
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Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 99

This patient is a 54-year-old woman (5'6", 144 lbs) who lost a large amount of weight through diet and exercise but was unhappy with the leftover abdominal skin laxity. She underwent a tummy tuck (complete abdominoplasty) with the repair of her muscle separation, hernia repair, and removal of her excess skin. After this procedure, this patient was very happy with her results.

Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 99 After
Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 99 Before
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Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 125

This patient is a 50-year-old woman (5'3'', 143 lbs) who was unhappy with her abdomen appearance after a previous abdominal surgery. She underwent a tummy tuck (complete abdominoplasty) with the repair of mild muscle separation. After this procedure, she was very pleased with her results.

Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 125 After
Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 125 Before
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Liposuction Patient 114

This patient is a 42 year old woman (5'8", 140 lbs) who was unhappy with the contour of her abdomen despite being fit and active. She elected to undergo liposuction of the abdomen and was very happy with the outcome. 

Liposuction Patient 114 After
Liposuction Patient 114 Before
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Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 104

This patient is a fit 44-year-old woman (5'4", 135 lbs) who, after having 3 children, wanted to improve the appearance of her abdomen. She underwent a tummy tuck (complete abdominoplasty) which removed her extra skin and tightened her abdominal muscles. She is extremely happy with her results and noted that she now wears a two-piece bathing suit much more confidently.

Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 104 After
Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 104 Before
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Liposuction Patient 106

This patient is a 43 year old man (5'10", 167 lbs) who was unhappy with the contours of his midsection (particularly how it looked from the back) despite a great diet and regular exercise. He elected to undergo liposuction of his abdomen and flanks. 

Liposuction Patient 106 After
Liposuction Patient 106 Before
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Liposuction Patient 101

This patient is a 47 year old woman (5'2", 115 lbs) who was unhappy with fullness in her thighs despite being a very fit and active person. She elected to undergo liposuction of both the inner (medial) and outer (lateral) thighs. 

Liposuction Patient 101 After
Liposuction Patient 101 Before
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Mommy Makeover Patient 1

This patient is a  44 year old woman (5’5”, 150lbs) who was unhappy with her breast and abdomen appearance after her pregnancies. She choose to proceed with both a bilateral Breast Augmentation in the sub-muscular position using Mentor smooth round ModeratePlus profile MemoryGel implants and a complete Abdominoplasty. She went from wearing a B cup bra to a C cup bra, and had a great improvement in the contour of her abdomen. She was very happy with her final results. 

Mommy Makeover Patient 1 After
Mommy Makeover Patient 1 Before
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Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 78

This patient is a 57 year old woman (5'6", 156 lbs) who lost 75lbs after undergoing a gastric bypass surgery. Since her weight loss, she has become very active and is often hindered by the excess skin around her abdomen. She elected to undergo  weight loss tummy tuck (extended abdominoplasty), which was completed in two procedures. She has been much more comfortable during her activities following surgery. 

Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 78 After
Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 78 Before
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Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 92

This patient is a 50-year-old woman (5'4", 175 lbs) who was unhappy with her abdomen due to skin laxity and muscle separation after the birth of twins. She underwent a tummy tuck (complete abdominoplasty) including repair of her muscle separation and excess skin removal. This patient also underwent a secondary procedure in the office under local anesthetic to revise her scar and remove a small area of remaining excess tissue. She was very happy with her final results.

Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 92 After
Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 92 Before
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Liposuction Patient 118

This patient is a healthy 60 year old woman who was concerned with excess fullness in her chin (submental) area. She elected to undergo chin liposuction to address her issues. She was very happy with the end result. 

Liposuction Patient 118 After
Liposuction Patient 118 Before
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Liposuction Patient 111

This patient is a 38 year old man (6'4", 205 lbs) who exercised regularly but could not improve his abdominal area. He chose to undergo standard liposuction with removal of 650 cc form the love handles and 450 cc of fat from abdomen. 

Liposuction Patient 111 After
Liposuction Patient 111 Before
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Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 65

This patient is a healthy 35-year-old woman (5'6", 230 lbs) who was unhappy with the shape and contour of her abdomen following pregnancy and had a significant weight loss of more than 50 lbs. She elected to undergo a weight loss tummy tuck (complete extended abdominoplasty). The procedure removed 5,073 grams (11.2 pounds) of fat and skin. She continued to pursue a healthy diet and exercise, and at the time of her post-operative photos, she weighed 180 lbs.

Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 65 After
Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 65 Before
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Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 108

This patient is a 53-year-old woman (5'6", 183lb) who lost 85 pounds after a gastric bypass procedure. She elected to have a weight loss tummy tuck (circumferential abdominoplasty) to remove her excess skin as well as liposuction of her outer hip area. The operation removed over seven pounds of skin and fat. Ten months after her surgery her weight was down 16 pounds and she was extremely happy with her results.

Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 108 After
Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 108 Before
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Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 109

This patient is a 52 year old woman (5'2'' 149 lbs) who was unhappy with abdominal fullness and skin laxity following previous pregnancies. She had underwent a tummy tuck (complete abdominoplasty) with removal of previous C-Section scar and correction of muscle separation as well as excess skin removal. After this procedure this patient was very happy with her final results. 

Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 109 After
Before & After: Tummy Tuck Patient 109 Before
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Mommy Makeover Patient 2

This patient is a 39 year old woman (5’2”, 130lbs) who was unhappy with her breast size and abdominal fullness after her pregnancies. She also had a contracted C-section scar.  She underwent a “Mommy-Makeover” with a complete abdominoplasty with muscle repair and breast augmentation performed at the same time (Mentor Smooth, Round 300cc Moderate-Plus profile Memory Gel implants placed in a sub-muscular position through an inferior breast crease incision.) She went from a B cup bra size to a C cup.

Mommy Makeover Patient 2 After
Mommy Makeover Patient 2 Before
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