This patient is a 34 year old man (5'11", 205 lbs) who was concerned with the enlarged size of his breasts. He elected to undergo male breast reduction (gynecomastia) surgery that included liposuction, removing redundant fat and breast tissue.
This patient is a 43 year old man (5'10", 167 lbs) who was unhappy with the contours of his midsection (particularly how it looked from the back) despite a great diet and regular exercise. He elected to undergo liposuction of his abdomen and flanks.
This patient is a 54 year old man who complained about the appearance of his neck after a 30lb weight loss. He underwent a full facelift that included liposuction, and skin removal with repositioning. Approximately 130 grams (.28 lbs.) of fat was removed from his neck along with skin removal and repositioning in this area. This patient did have scar revision procedures to soften the look of his scar tissue around 1 year after his initial procedure. His new profile gives him the look he wanted and he is very satisfied with the his results.
This patient is a healthy 63-year old man who was unhappy with the excess skin of his upper eyelids. He underwent bilateral upper eyelid lift (blepharoplasty). This patient had a scar revision procedure under local anesthesia one year post surgery of approximately 3 cm of dense scar tissue. This patient was very happy with his end result.
This patient is a 23 year old man who was concerned with a crooked nose and breathing difficulties. He underwent a rhinoplasty with cartilage grafting to both sides of his nasal tip to soften the harsh and pinched look. At the same setting we placed a chin implant to better define his jawline and to balance his profile.
This patient is a 19 year old man (5'9", 210 lbs) who was concerned with the size of his breasts. He elected to undergo male breast reduction (gynecomastia) surgery in which liposuction of chest was used to remove approximately 300cc of excess fat from each breast.
This patient is a 20 year old man who suffered injuries to the nose. He underwent a rhinoplasty that included lightly taking down the dorsum, a small cartilage graft to the indentation, and reduction of the bulbous tip. His post-operative views show a small smooth dorsum without indents and a refined smaller tip.
This patient is a 20 year old man (5'9", 161 lbs) who was unhappy with chest appearance due to gynocomastia. He elected to undergo a male breast reduction that included liposuction and direct excision of male fibrous breast tissue with excellent results.
This patient is a 27 year old man (5'10", 198 lbs) who was concerned with enlarged and asymmetric male breast formation (left greater than right). He elected to undergo a bilateral male breast reduction (gynecomastia) surgery in which additional tissue was removed from the larger side.
This patient is a 34 year old man (6'2", 206 lbs) who was concerned with the enlarged size of his breasts. He elected to undergo male breast reduction (gynecomastia) surgery with both liposuction of the chest and direct excision of male breast tissue.
This patient is a 31 year old man (6'1", 209 lbs) who complained of enlarged breasts, despite being physically fit. He elected to undergo a male breast reduction (gynecomastia) surgery. He was very happy with the final result.
This patient is a 38 year old man (6'4", 205 lbs) who exercised regularly but could not improve his abdominal area. He chose to undergo standard liposuction with removal of 650 cc form the love handles and 450 cc of fat from abdomen.
This patient is a 22 year old man (6'0", 173 lbs) who was concerned with excess breast tissue that had bothered him since adolescence. He elected to undergo a male breast reduction (gynecomastia) surgery that included excision of tissue and liposuction of the breast area.
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