Chin Liposuction in Grand Rapids, MI

If you’re wondering how to get rid of a double chin, we have the answer for you: chin liposuction. Chin liposuction removes fat from the chin area, which is nearly impossible to get rid of through diet and exercise. Aging and genetics are the most common causes of a double chin, which is due to a buildup of fat deposits and skin loosening. Chin liposuction results in a more sculpted jawline, which creates a more youthful appearance.

Why Consider Chin Liposuction?

Self-confidence and self-esteem are the two biggest reasons people consider getting chin liposuction. While non-surgical treatments, such as Kybella or CoolSculpting®, can also be used to eliminate fat from the chin, chin liposuction is a solution that provides markedly more dramatic results. Also, it’s typically a one and done procedure versus non-invasive fat reduction options that may require multiple treatments to achieve a noticeable outcome.  

If you’re interested in getting rid of your double chin, scheduling a consultation is the next step to take.

What to Expect with Chin Liposuction

The nice thing about chin liposuction is that it’s a relatively simple procedure. A small incision is made in a discreet area, and a wand known as a cannula is inserted and “sucks” away the unwanted fat. From start to finish, the entire procedure is is relatively fast. You'll still need a caretaker on the day of your procedure, but most chin liposuction patients are feeling pretty good after just a couple of days. 

Chin Liposuction Recovery

With chin liposuction, you’ll be given a compression wrap to wear when you leave. This wrap helps reduce the bruising and swelling that commonly occurs with this procedure, and we recommend wearing it nonstop for the first seven days. Additional post-procedure instructions will be provided before you leave.

Ideal Candidate for Chin Liposuction

To be considered an ideal candidate for chin liposuction, you should be generally in good health and a nonsmoker. You should have excess fat in the chin and/or neck area that is resistant to diet and exercise. 

Chin Liposuction for Double Chin Removal | Centre for Plastic Surgery

Before & After

Original Image After
Original Image Before
This patient is a healthy 60 year old woman who was concerned with excess fullness in her chin (submental) area. She elected to undergo chin liposuction to address her issues. She was very happy with the end result.

Schedule a Consultation

Connect with our team now to find out if scheduling a consultation is the best next step for you!

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How Much Does Chin Liposuction Cost?

Every procedure is unique, because all of our patients are unique. That being said, we can tell you what an average patient pays for chin liposuction to give you an idea on cost.

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We Offer Financing

We can help make your best, most confident self financially feasible with financing for chin liposuction.

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Is chin liposuction safe?

What are the common side effects of chin liposuction?

How long does chin liposuction last?

How soon will I see results from chin liposuction?