Breast Reduction in Grand Rapids, MI

In the case of breast reduction, less CAN actually be more. Breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure in which the size of the breasts are made smaller. In most cases, the surgeon removes excess breast tissue and skin, creating a smaller, firmer breast. The Centre for Plastic Surgery in Grand Rapids, Michigan has been a premier location for breast surgery since 1983. Our team of experienced board-certified plastic surgeons have dedicated decades to the craft of breast reduction surgery.

Why Should I Consider Breast Reduction Surgery?

Macromastia is a medical condition that describes excessively large breasts in women, and can be very uncomfortable attribute many patients. For patients who suffer with this condition, their disproportionately large breasts are often the source of both physical and emotional stress. (In men, this condition is known as Gynecomastia.) Patients who are seeking breast reduction surgery are often concerned with:

  • Breasts that limit their physical activity
  • Back and/or neck pain associated with the size of their breasts
  • Nerve pain, numbness, or tingling that could be attributed to large breasts
  • Breasts that seem too large for the size of their bodies
  • Breasts that cause skin issues and irritations

What to Expect with Breast Reduction Surgery?

During your initial call to our practice, we will discuss all of your concerns in relationship to your breast size and determine if a consultation is the right next step for you. The consultation will include a detailed description of the procedure, examples of patient outcomes, and the chance for you to ask questions and explain your concerns.

In most breast reduction procedures, the surgeon removes excess tissue and skin, creating a smaller, firmer breast, and raises the nipple and areolas higher on the breast to accommodate the new breast proportions, and create a smaller, natural looking breast. A breast lift is frequently included to create a more youthful appearance. The breast reduction procedure is most commonly performed under general anesthesia.

What to Expect During Your Recovery from Breast Reduction Surgery

Since your surgery will be performed using anesthesia, you'll feel very sleepy and may not even remember your procedure. It's crucial that you have a caregiver who can be with you on the day of surgery and stay to help you for the first 24-48 hours at a minimum. Breast reduction surgery causes mild to moderate discomfort in most patients. You'll be prescribed medications to alleviate your pain and be given garments and other items for your recovery by our office. Most patients start feeling well enough to return to work within 1-2 weeks of surgery. Some activities such as heavy lifting may need to be modified for longer. Our expert staff will help you to prepare for your recovery, and will be available to address any concerns that you may have every step of the way.

The final results of your breast reduction will take time to become apparent (about six months), but your breasts will be noticeably smaller and lighter immediately following surgery. Most patients experience swelling that can last weeks or even months following the procedure. This swelling will be more noticeable in the first few weeks and diminish over time. Your scars will be very red and "angry" looking right after surgery, but should begin to fade slowly as well. There are steps you can take to care for your scars.

Am I a Candidate for Breast Reduction Surgery?

The best candidates for breast reduction surgery are healthy, non-smoking adults at a stable weight who are bothered by the large size of their breasts. Some candidates are experiencing physical complications that merit the procedure for medical reasons. Others are simply seeking surgical intervention for aesthetic reasons. Either way, at the Centre for Plastic Surgery we will help you to discover if a breast reduction is right for you.

Breast Reduction in Grand Rapids, MI

Before & After

Original Image After
Original Image Before
This patient is a healthy 40 year old woman (5'3", 141 lbs) who wanted smaller, more youthful appearing breasts after having two children. Pre-opertively she wore a 34DD bra. She now wears a 34 C-cup bra after her breast reduction.
Original Image After
Original Image Before
This patient is a healthy 50 year old female (5'7", 153 lbs) who suffered from neck, back and shoulder pain due to her heavy breasts. Her starting bra size was a 34 DDD and she ended up in a 34C after undergoing a bilateral breast reduction.

Schedule a Consultation

Connect with our team now to find out if scheduling a consultation is the best next step for you!

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How much does a Breast Reduction cost?

The best way to obtain a realistic estimate on the costs associated with breast reduction is to contact our office. However, you can also get an idea of the average amount a patient pays by visiting our pricing estimator.

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We Offer Financing

At the Centre for Plastic Surgery we understand that investing in yourself is a big decision. If financing is a concern, we are happy to help by guiding you to trusted partners with experience in medical lending.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Reduction (FAQ)

Will my health insurance cover my breast reduction surgery?

Is breast reduction surgery considered safe?

What are the risks associated with breast reduction?

Will I be able to breast feed after breast reduction surgery?

What is an appropriate age for breast reduction surgery?

How do I find out if my health insurance will cover my breast reduction?