Liposuction in Grand Rapids, MI

Liposuction, commonly known as "lipo," is a fat removal surgery that targets specific areas of the body using a specialized device. It can be performed as a stand alone procedure to sculpt and contour the body, or in tandem with other procedures such as a tummy tuck, facelift,  or breast reduction for more robust results.  

As one of the most commonly performed procedures at the Centre for Plastic Surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeons have utilized liposuction in countless cases throughout decades of practice.  

Why Consider Liposuction?

Let's face it — fat is stubborn. Diet and exercise can be transformative, but it's not unusual to struggle with areas of persistent fat deposits. Over time, many people develop pockets of fat in areas of the body like the abdomen, hips, legs, and neck that are resistant to even the most regimented diet and exercise routines. In healthy adults who are within a close range to their ideal body weight, liposuction can help to sculpt and contour the body to more aesthetically pleasing proportions.  

What to Expect with Liposuction

Depending on your specific goals, you may undergo liposuction on its own or along with another surgical procedure. During your consultation, we'll be exploring the options that will best suite your desired outcome. It's likely that we will be taking photos when during your first appointment. This is an essential part of the surgical process. We understand that this can feel a bit uncomfortable, but we will do everything possible to make you feel relaxed. 

Your liposuction surgery will likely be performed in the privacy of our onsite surgical facility. You will be made comfortable with the use of anesthesia. The device used in liposuction consists of a small thin metal tube (a cannula) that is attached to a suction mechanism.  Small, discrete incisions will be made in the treatment area. At the Centre for Plastic Surgery, we utilize two main types of liposuction procedures: 

Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is a procedure in which a solution of diluted anesthetic is injected into the area of fat you wish to be removed, allowing your surgeon to effectively target and treat that area.  

Ultrasonic Liposuction

Ultrasonic liposuction involves using a specialized cannula that emits ultrasonic energy — especially effective for targeting areas of fibrous fat in the back and chest, which can otherwise be difficult to remove. 

Liposuction Recovery 

During your surgery, we will be placing a compression garment on your body over the treatment area(s). Small sections of gauze will be situated over your incisions under the garment. Since you will be under anesthesia, you'll feel very groggy after your liposuction procedure. It is vital that you have a caretaker to accompany you during your surgery and stay with you for at least the first 24 hours following. Most patients experience mild to moderate discomfort from liposuction.  Your body will likely feel sore and achy for about a week after your procedure. It is possible that your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to help you feel more comfortable.  

You will need to wear your compression garment(s) continuously (except in the shower) for at least six weeks. This is to help control swelling and to aid your body in healing in a uniform manner. It is vital that you follow your post-op instructions carefully as this ensures your best chances for a smooth recovery. Most patients can expect to return to work within a week of their liposuction procedure.  

Ideal Candidate for Liposuction 

As with all body-contouring procedures, the best candidates are healthy, non-smoking individuals who are maintaining a stable weight. Those with great muscle tone and skin elasticity will experience the most dramatic results. Liposuction cannot improve the appearance of cellulite or loose skin. It is important to remember that liposuction is meant to contour the body and is not a weight loss procedure. It's best used to remove the squishy, subcutaneous fat that sits on top of the muscle. Individuals who are concerned with hard, visceral fat that sits beneath the muscle are not liposuction candidates. 

Liposuction in Grand Rapids, MI

Before & After

Original Image After
Original Image Before
This patient is a 71 year old woman (5'4", 143 lbs) who was concerned with the contour of her braline and back. She elected to undergo liposuction to smooth and contour this area.
Original Image After
Original Image Before
This patient is a 47 year old woman (5'2", 115 lbs) who was unhappy with fullness in her thighs despite being a very fit and active person. She elected to undergo liposuction of both the inner (medial) and outer (lateral) thighs.

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How Much Does Liposuction Cost? 

The total cost of liposuction is a bit dependent on your specific needs. It is based on the total number of areas you wish to have treated, and whether it is being combined with another procedure. The best way to get an idea of how much it will cost is to contact us for a detailed discussion about your goals. However, we understand that cost is a concern for most. Visit our price estimator to learn what average patients pay for liposuction. 

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Is liposuction safe?

What are the most common risks associated with liposuction?

Will I lose weight with liposuction?

Are the results of liposuction permanent? Will the fat grow back?

When will I notice the results of my liposuction?