This patient is a 39 year old woman (5’2”, 130lbs) who was unhappy with her breast size and abdominal fullness after her pregnancies. She also had a contracted C-section scar. She underwent a “Mommy-Makeover” with a complete abdominoplasty with muscle repair and breast augmentation performed at the same time (Mentor Smooth, Round 300cc Moderate-Plus profile Memory Gel implants placed in a sub-muscular position through an inferior breast crease incision.) She went from a B cup bra size to a C cup.
This patient is a 31 year old woman (5'3", 162lbs) who was unhappy with her breast shape and size, and the appearance of her abdomen following the birth of her children. She underwent bilateral breast augmentation with Mentor Memory Gel Implants, 425mL on the right and 450mL on the left, via the inframammary crease, and a complete tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) simultaneously. She also underwent a scar revision procedure approximately 18 months post initial surgery in order to soften the appearance of her abdominal scar. She was very pleased with her final results.
This patient is a 37 year old woman (5'4'', 150 lbs) who is a young mother of 3 children desiring a "Mommy Makeover, including breast augmentation and Abdominoplasty. After the birth of her 3 children, she felt as though she had a significant degree of laxity and mild breast ptosis. Her breast augmentation was performed using Mentor Smooth Round High Profile Memory Gel silicone implants (L-500cc, R-450cc) through an inframammary incision and placed in a submuscular position. She was very pleased with her results.
This patient is a 44 year old woman (5’5”, 150lbs) who was unhappy with her breast and abdomen appearance after her pregnancies. She choose to proceed with both a bilateral Breast Augmentation in the sub-muscular position using Mentor smooth round ModeratePlus profile MemoryGel implants and a complete Abdominoplasty. She went from wearing a B cup bra to a C cup bra, and had a great improvement in the contour of her abdomen. She was very happy with her final results.
This patient is a 38 year old woman (5’4”, 150lbs) who was unhappy with a loss of breast volume and abdominal skin laxity after her pregnancies and bariatric surgery. She underwent a “Mommy-Makeover” with both complete abdominoplasty with muscle repair and bilateral breast augmentation (Mentor Smooth, Round Moderate-Plus profile MemoryGel implants placed through an inferior breast crease approach in the sub-muscular position, 425cc on the left and 400cc on the right). She went from a B cup bra size to a C cup. She was very happy with her final result.
This patient is a 46 year old woman (5'4'', 126 lbs) who was unhappy with the changes in the appearance of her breasts and abdomen following her pregnancies. She underwent a "Mommy Makeover" including breast augmentation with breast lift and abdominoplasty. She had submuscular Mentor smooth round moderate-plus profile 350 cc Memory Gel implants placed through an inframammary incision. She was very pleased with her results.
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